Grow Solutions


8" Heavy Duty Grape Shear Grape Shear Stainless Steel Blade - Nylon & Fiber handle with TPR Grip

Michigan Mediums Worm Castings

WORM CASTINGS FOR SOIL AMENDING Michigan Mediums WORM CASTINGS set the standard for quality in vermicompost. Our worms are fed a fixed diet which create high quality castings excellent for use in soil building, top dresses and amending. Michigan Mediums WORM CASTINGS provides fungal activity for your soil and food for the microbiology. Just hand sprinkle on top of existing soil & water well. Helps plants absorb nutrients quicker. Mix small amounts into the soil. Increases plant vigor and health as well as adds to overall yield. Mix with Michigan Mediums COMPOST PLUS for a tea mix.

Ruck Standard Carbon filters

Long service life rated with 0.1 sec contact time Very low pressure drop Multiple applications possible Our filters are tested and work best with KFI recommended fans Cleaning and recirculating air saves energy Pelletized activated carbon


Lock Down Pads are a bright yellow plastic circular sheet coated on one side with a specially formulated glue. There is no odor, no potential for noxious chemicals in the air, soil, rock, or water. Many insects that prey on plants are attracted to the yellow color, so providing coverage around the entire base of your plant provides the safest way to produce high yields.

Michigan Mediums Compost

COMPOST PLUS FOR SOIL AMENDING A humidified thermophilic manure compost designed for soil amending that is quality crafted from dairy manure. Best used as a soil additive for an extra boost and can be used in compost tea mixes. Just hand sprinkle on top of existing soil & water well. A humidified, thermophilic manure compost designed for soil amending. Quality crafted from dairy manure and mixed with a few special ingredients for that extra kick. Can be used in compost tea mixes. Best used as a soil additive for an extra boost. Just hand sprinkle on top of existing soil & water well. Packed full of beneficial microbes which allow good balance to the soil.

Microbe Life Photosynthesis Plus

Photosynthesis Plus enhances plant functions at the foliar level and the root zone in both soil and soilless substrates. Enhances photosynthesis and biological function by allowing plants to capture and utilize radiant energy more efficiently. Speeds uptake and distribution of essential macro- and micro- nutrients required for all plant metabolic functions and growth. Promotes plant vigor and reduces input costs while increasing yields.

Microbe Life Veg & Fruit Yield

A highly active and balanced blend of microbes and humic substances that combines photosynthetic cultures and essential elements. Formulated specifically to enhance the yield of vegetables and fruit by aiding the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients more efficiently. What it does: Speeds seed germination, root development and shoot outgrowth. Additionally, it increases nutrient value, enhances overall plant vigor and yield

Devault 16" Black Plant Dolly

Medium sized plant dolly. Features steel ball bearing casters and five rubber wheels. Supports up to 400lbs. Prevents ring stains on your deck or patio and allows for air to flow underneath the pot preventing harmful fungus and mold.

Green Planet Back Country Grow

Green Planet Back Country Outdoor Blend Grow. Slow Release every 3-5 Weeks


8" Heavy Duty Grape Shear Grape Shear Stainless Steel Blade - Nylon & Fiber handle with TPR Grip

Microbe Life Phosphate Supplement

An easy-to-use, nitrate-free, liquid supplement which can be used regularly to promote lush vegetable and plant growth, or used as needed in response to phosphorus deficiency, indicated by stunted plant growth.