Grow Solutions

Green Planet Clean Slate

1L Clean Slate

Product ID: GPCS1L
Manufacturer: Green Planet Nutrients

4L Clean Slate

Product ID: GPCS4L
Manufacturer: Green Planet Nutrients


CLEAN SLATE is used primarily as a root zone cleaning and conditioning agent. CLEAN SLATE will naturally improve overall plant health by effectively cleaning and sanitizing the root zone. A clean, disease-free, root zone promotes fine feeder roots, allowing the plant to uptake oxygen, nutrients and water at an increased rate, leading to healthier plants overall. This allows them protection from attacks of most common airborne pests, diseases, soil borne fungal and bacterial pathogen outbreaks. CLEAN SLATE does not promote beneficial bacterial growth, so if you’re trying to promote beneficial bacteria growth, this is probably not a desirable solution to use. CLEAN SLATE should be applied as a stand alone root zone treatment. It has no systemic qualities so it doesn’t require any holding period before harvesting.

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Green Planet Nutrients
