Green Planet Vita Thrive 1L
Product ID: GPVT 1L
Manufacturer: Green Planet Nutrients
Green Planet Vita Thrive 4L
Product ID: GPVT 4L
Manufacturer: Green Planet Nutrients
Green Planet Vita Thrive 23L
Product ID: GPVT 23L
Manufacturer: Green Planet Nutrients
Green Planet Vita Thrive 10L
Product ID: GPVT10L
Manufacturer: Green Planet Nutrients
AUSSIE TONIC is a complex and unique vitamin supplement and growth stimulator. Aussie Tonic encourages amazing results utilizing the latest that science has to offer. AUSSIE TONIC contains a full compliment of B vitamins, vitamins A, D, E, K, and C. These all help to increase the cellular activity and relieve shock and stress caused by over or under watering, excess heat or transplanting. AUSSIE TONIC works on every cycle of the plant’s life, from encouraging cuttings to take root, increasing vegetative production and producing larger fruits and flowers. Aussie Tonic is the ultimate in anti-stress products. - Complex B vitamin formulation. - Highly concentrated. - Extremely effective for relieving stress in your plants. - Helps accelerate growth.