Terp Tonix Gallon Bottle
Product ID: TT-GA
Manufacturer: Great Lakes Garden Wholesale
Terp Tonix 32oz (Quart) Bottle
Product ID: TT-32oz
Manufacturer: Great Lakes Garden Wholesale
Terp Tonix 2.5gal Bottle
Product ID: TT-2.5GAL
Manufacturer: Great Lakes Garden Wholesale
Terp Tonix 5gal Bottle
Product ID: TT-5GA
Manufacturer: Great Lakes Garden Wholesale
Purposefully formulated from the finest botanically derived ingredients, Terp Tonix by SoulGro represents a radical departure from the current offerings in the industry as it does not contain salt based nutrition, pesticides, trace heavy metals or hormones to stimulate terpene production. Terp Tonix uses a novel, organic, plant-derived delivery agent blended with carefully selected botanical compounds designed to support naturally occurring pathways. By utilizing this method we are able to deliver what the plants need to enhance in situ terpene production without stressing or poisoning your plants.